Upload your story

You can upload your story here by using the PDF form below. Please read the instructions carefully, first save the form on your computer or storage device, complete the form, save it again, and then send it to us at gsgs_project@un-ihe.org. The rest of the process will be directly between you and our contact person. Please use the above email address for the story submission only and for any other related matters, please contact Dr. Konstantina Velkushanova who will help you with your enquiry.

Download the information here

In case you experience issues with downloading, opening, or saving the PDF files below, please contact Dr. Konstantina Velkushanova (gsgs_project@un-ihe.org). Often the issue is with your version of the PDF viewer that will need to be updated. In case you still experience the problem, please contact us and we shall email you the Word version of it.

Contact me

Konstantina Velkushanova, PhD

GSGS Coordinator Alumni Stories

If you have any questions about your submission, you can send me an email or call me.