Workshop on novel sanitation

BITS │ India

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A number of new technologies for decentralised wastewater treatment are currently being investigated and tested. In this changing context, it is essential that not only academic people but also professionals and students gain knowledge and develop an understanding of these technologies and keep pace with recent developments. Therefore, a workshop focusing on the use of emerging wastewater treatment technologies used in decentralized treatment systems will be organised, where participants will examine the potential of emerging treatment processes including the use of novel sanitation approaches such as Terra Preta Sanitation, bio augmentation techniques, constructed wetlands, anaerobic digestion, and physical/chemical/electrochemical processes. An interactive workshop took place in December 2017 bearing in mind the needs of academics, professionals (engineers) as well as Masters students. Key to this workshop was an examination of how conventional and emerging treatment processes can be utilized to create customized strategies to address specific wastewater treatment challenges. The workshop participants got the opportunity to work collectively with the presenters to examine how emerging treatment technologies can be used to find cost-effective solutions to relevant real-world issues. A visit to a city wastewater treatment plant, a faecal sludge management facility and a solid waste management plant was organised to give field exposure and practical know-how. In total 97 professionals have enhanced and updated their knowledge on novel sanitation approaches, electrochemistry for environmental applications and had an exposure to practical field applications. Their enhanced knowledge will contribute to sustainable interventions in future applications.


Shirish Singh, PhD

Coordinator IHE Delft