Online learning is developing very fast globally, and with new technologies and different formats continually becoming available for the delivery of online courses, self-study Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are increasingly popular. Although 2iE has several years of experience in e-learning education, there is a need to refresh and enhance the knowledge of staff involved in the development and delivery of online courses with the latest technologies in the field. We plan to conduct a 5-day state-of-the-art training course for trainers in non-sewered sanitation-related online course development and implementation, focused on MOOC development. The training course will be implemented with assistance from Eawag, which has extensive experience in developing MOOCs. The training course has been targeted at 2iE online-course developers, coordinators and technicians – five staff from the 2iE department in charge of online education, five lecturers from the Department of Water and Sanitation (directly involved in the development and delivery of sanitation-related courses) and five lecturers from the Department of Engineering Science and Techniques and the Center of Human and Social Sciences (involved in the delivery of courses in basic science for engineers, statistics, research methodologies, GIS, project management, etc.). At least 15 highly qualified professionals in the development and delivery of online learning courses in non-sewered sanitation will enhance their knowledge on state-of-the-art MOOCs and online course production which will be imparted to many other professionals working in this field over the coming years.
Training the trainers in MOOC development
2iE │ Burkina Faso
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