Online Course on Faecal Sludge Management
In partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (IHE Delft) has initiated a distance learning course on Faecal Sludge Management (FSM). The course was developed and launched in 2015 in combination with six other academic institutions and resulted in a period of a few months in 372 professionals who obtained a certificate of completion. It was the first time that more partner institutions have developed and launched together a course on this topic. In the meantime more partners have joined the delivery pool.

Course partners
Download the book
eBook on Faecal Sludge Management (35.8 MB)
The book is currently available in English, Spanish, French, Hindi, Tamil and Marathi.This is the first book dedicated to faecal sludge management. It compiles the current state of knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, and presents an integrated approach that includes technology, management and planning. It addresses the planning and organization of the entire faecal sludge management service chain, from the collection and transport of sludge and treatment options, to the final enduse or disposal of treated sludge. In addition to providing fundamentals and an overview of technologies, the book goes into details of operational, institutional and financial aspects, and provides guidance on how to plan a city-level faecal sludge management project with the involvement of all the stakeholders.
Course materials
Below you will find all the course materials to download that belong to the original version of the FSM online course.
- Unit 1 Introduction to faecal sludge managementDownload
- Unit 2 Technological fundaments of FSMDownload
- Unit 3 Collection and transport of faecal sludgeDownload
- Unit 4 Faecal sludge treatment technologiesDownload
- Unit 5 Management in faecal sludgeDownload
- Unit 6 Planning in faecal sludge managementDownload
Case studies
The course contains several documented case studies. This database includes all the case studies in the original version of the Faecal Sludge Management distance learning course*. The case studies database is being kept up-to-date and expanded with new case studies.
- Anaerobic digestion and sand beds│ThailandDownload
- FSM-Programs for organized desludging │PhilippinesDownload
- Faecal sludge management financial flow│ThailandDownload
- FSM - Programs for organized desludging │PhilippinesDownload
- Characterisation of faecal sludge │S. AfricaDownload
- Faecal sludge management │IndiaDownload
- Large scale LaDePa machine │S. AfricaDownload
- Market structuring of faecal sludge management │SenegalDownload
- Reuse of faecal sludge as a soil conditioner in agriculture │IndiaDownload
- Financial transfers│ThailandDownload
- Engaging traditional pit emptier groups │BangladeshDownload
- LaDePa process │S. AfricaDownload
The FSM Toolbox is designed to be a one-stop database and a standardized framework for effective implementation of FSM projects. See more at