This five-day course has been developed to enable the participants to distinguish between different sanitation flows through their characteristics. The following themes are covered: the different characteristics of sanitation flows, their potential pollution and health impacts and laboratory analysis of sanitation flows. The laboratory analysis covers basic parameters and will include chemical, biological and physical parameters. This course is delivered through workshops, practical’s and laboratory sessions, and is taught in our new faecal sludge laboratory, which is currently the only laboratory in Europe specialized in faecal sludge analysis.
This is a post-graduate course and is worth 1.5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer Scheme) if the assignments are completed. Training methods include workshops, lectures, basic laboratory work, result analysis
This course is designed for those with an interested in onsite sanitation or the management of faecal sludge such as practitioners, academicians, consultants, researchers, students and representatives from NGOs. It should be noted that this is not solely a laboratory course and laboratory analysis undertaken is basic (hence it is suitable for those without any laboratory experience).