Upload your profile

Please upload your profile by completing the form below.

You can select multiple expertises. Only the first expertise on your list will be shown.


The year you started working as a sanitation professional

Completion of one or more programs, courses or training offered by the Global Sanitation Graduate School. You can select multiple achievements. We advise putting the most recent one first.


Please provide us with your personal website, LinkedIn profile or URL.

Your photo should be square (at least 300 * 300 pixels) and have a maximum file size of 5MB. If needed, crop the photo to match the style of the other photos.


  • I am interested in the membership's advantages, but what are these actually?

    As a member you are joining a group of sanitation professionals who have completed one or more courses or training offered by the Alliance. Your profile will be indexed which will increase your visibility on the internet. We expect that the database will be searched by institutions and individuals who are seeking experts in the sanitation field from specific countries with a particular background, education, experience or expertise, and who may approach you. By being part of a global network of certified sanitation experts you will benefit from the career opportunities that may arise as well as from the possibility to get in touch with other fellow members. As a member you also have the chance to be invited to one of five alumni gatherings that are planned in the coming years, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and organised by IHE Delft. In 2017, 50 alumni from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan were invited to Chennai in India for a workshop and free attendance at a FSM4 four-day conference. As a member, you will be informed by email about this and other interesting and exciting opportunities that are ahead of us.

  • I completed a course which is not listed on this website, can I still become a member?

    Sorry. Only courses which are listed count for membership. However, maybe we are not aware yet of your course. Therefore we advise you to contact our administrator to check if the course can be added to our website. If yes, and if your date of completion is not more than a year at the moment that you apply for membership, your application will be considered.

  • My photo is not approved, what should I do?

    You will get feedback from our administrator. You are also advised to check the style of photos that are accepted.

  • I want to update my existing profile, how can I do this?

    It is quite simple. Just click on the ‘Edit my existing profile’ button/link on this page and briefly explain your request in your email to our administrator.

  • My title or expertise is not listed, can it be added?

    Although our intention is not to have an extensive list of all the possible expertise one may have, you are encouraged to send an email to our administrator stating the expertise you want to appear in the form. However, we do not guarantee that your request will be honored.

  • I want to cancel my membership, how can I do it?

    We would be sorry to lose you as a member, but we will cancel your membership and remove your information from the database after you send our administration an email with such a request.

  • My question is not on your list of FAQ, what do you advise me to do?

    We will be happy to receive your question by email.